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5 Costs to Include in Your Retirement Budget

coinTreeDon’t retire without a plan to pay for these expenses.  Don’t forget to budget for the travel and hobbies you will finally have time for in retirement.  Most people accept that retirement won’t be cheap.  But just how expensive will it be?

Visions of the ideal retirement range from the extravagant pursuit of everything we have dreamed of to frugal plans calculated to stretch the buying power of our hard earned savings. Whatever course we set, we need to accurately estimate and budget for our future. While the final tab will vary depending on your lifestyle, some expenses are shared across the board and need to be budgeted for. Read more

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9 Signs You’re Not Saving Enough For Retirement

coinTreeYou might be tired of hearing it, but you know it’s true: You need to start saving for retirement now. If you start saving for retirement today instead of delaying it for a few years, you could add thousands of dollars to your retirement savings.
But perhaps you’re already setting money aside for your golden years. The only problem is you don’t know if how much you’re saving is actually enough to last you throughout retirement. If that’s the case, here are nine red flags that indicate you need to ramp up your savings efforts. Read more

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8 Essential Annuity Questions – You Need to Know!

coinTreeUnderstanding Annuities and what part they play is critical in making sure you are getting the most out of your retirement planning.  We have listed 8 crucial questions you need to know to ensure your annuity works hard for you.

Answering these questions could put you on the path to finding the right annuity and help you secure the future you dreamed of. They come in 3 categories so you can zero in on strategies for you and your situation.
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QUIZ: Are Annuities Right For You?


As traditional sources of guaranteed retirement income — such as pensions — disappear, many retirees are wondering where to turn after suffering through a severe market downturn in the past decade. An annuity may be the answer, but not all annuities are alike, and some may not be appropriate for you.

Take our ten-question quiz, brought to you by Kiplinger, to see how much you know about these products and whether you should invest in them.
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4% Rule? How To Draw Down Your Retirement Savings

Saving for retirement is challenging, no doubt. But if you want to know what’s really tricky, consider spending that money in retirement. Retirees in the past often relied on a simple rule for retirement income: Draw down 4 percent of your savings every year and you will be all set. But the retirement landscape has changed.
For one thing, people are living longer, and their money has to last all that time. One in four people who are 65 years old today will live to age 90, and one in 10 will live to 95.
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6 Habits of Successful Retirees

coinTree Creating good, healthy habits in retirement creates a fruitful, rich and rewarding retirement.
Habits can be measured in many ways, what we eat, how often we exercise, saving money for retirement every month.  However, not all habits will bring you down a path toward financial stability.  Listed below are 6 habits of successful retirees that can help you with retirement:
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4 Ways To Jump-Start Your Savings


Struggling to catch up? Here’s how to get your nest egg back on track

Saving for retirement is a lot like dieting. We all know what we should be doing, but actually doing it is hard. It’s much easier to make excuses.
We’re busy. We have responsibilities—to children, to older parents—that compete with our ability to set aside money for our later years. What’s more, wages have stagnated in recent years while the cost of living has continued to climb.
The numbers bear out the challenge: More than half of workers report they have less than $25,000 in total household savings and investments, excluding their home and any pension plans, according to the 2014 Retirement Confidence Survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute. To be sure, not all of those surveyed had access to retirement plans, and some had incomes low enough to make saving difficult.
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Annuities 101: Is An Annuity Right For You?


What is an Annuity?

Despite the fact that many people are familiar with the term ‘annuity’, many might not understand what it actually means or how it can be used to help them plan ahead for a successful financial future.

Simply put, an annuity is an insurance product that will pay you income based on money that you have previously put in. An annuity is commonly used as part of a retirement strategy. They are often popular choices for investors who wish to see a regular and steady income stream in their retirement. According to the Government Accountability Office, annuities can be an important part of an overall retirement plan.
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Building a Balanced Portfolio

Building up a well balanced and diversified portfolio is a must for every investor. While the performance of the investments is of primary importance, a balanced investment strategy provides a safety net. In today’s volatile economy, every other month there is a crisis in one or the other sector. Tech stocks went down in the dotcom crash, the subprime mortgage crisis brings prices down in the real estate sector. Private equity funds are worried about impending changes to tax regulations on carried interest earnings for fund managers.

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Investment and Financial Planning Terms

The annual rate that is charged for borrowing (or made by investing), expressed as a single percentage number that represents the actual yearly cost of funds over the term of a loan. This includes any fees or additional costs associated with the transaction.


The interest due on a bond since the last interest payment was made. The buyer of the bond pays the market price plus accrued interest.


The acquiring of control of one corporation by another. In “unfriendly” takeover attempts, the potential buying company may offer a price well above current market values, new securities and other inducements to stockholders. The management of the subject company might ask for a better price or try to join up with a third company.


The second largest stock exchange in the United States, located in the financial district of New York City. Formerly known as the Curb Exchange from its origin on a Manhattan street.


Accounting for expenses or charges as applicable rather than as paid. includes such practices as depreciation, depletion, write-off of intangibles, prepaid expenses and deferred charges.


The formal financial statement issued yearly by a corporation. The annual report shows assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses and earnings – how the company stood at the close of the business year, how it fared profit-wise during the year, as well as other information of interest to shareowners.


Basically an IOU or promissory note of a corporation, usually issued in multiples of $1,000 or $5,000, although $100 and $500 denominations are not unknown. A bond is evidence of a debt on which the issuing company usually promises to pay the bondholders a specified amount of interest for a specified length of time, and to repay the loan on the expiration date. In every case a bond represents debt – its holder is a creditor of the corporation and not a part owner, as is the shareholder


An agent who handles the public’s orders to buy and sell securities, commodities or other property. A commission is charged for this service.


Profit or loss from the sale of a capital asset. The capital gains provisions of the tax law are complicated. You should consult your tax advisor for specific information.


All shares representing ownership of a business, including preferred and common.


Normally, charges against earnings to write off the cost, less salvage value, of an asset over its estimated useful life. It is a bookkeeping entry and does not represent any cash outlay nor are any funds earmarked for the purpose.


The payment designated by the board of directors to be distributed pro rata among the shares outstanding. On preferred shares, it is generally a fixed amount. On common shares, the dividend varies with the fortunes of the company and the amount of cash on hand, and may be omitted if business is poor or the directors determine to withhold earnings to invest in plant and equipment. Sometimes a company will pay a dividend out of past earnings even if it is not currently operating at a profit.


The ownership interest of common and preferred stockholders in a company. Also refers to excess of value of securities over the debit balance in a margin account.


A company’s fixed expenses, such as bond interest, which it has agreed to pay whether or not earned, and which are deducted from income before earnings on equity capital are computed.


A bond that is secured by a blanket mortgage on the company’s property but may be outranked by one or more other mortgages.


Obligations of the U.S. Government, regarded as the highest grade securities issues.


A corporation that owns the securities of another, in most cases with voting control.


A written agreement under which bonds and debentures are issued, setting forth maturity date, interest rate and other terms.


Member on the floor of the NYSE who executes orders for other brokers having more business at that time than they can handle themselves, or for firms who do not have their exchange member on the floor.


Payments borrowers pay lenders for the use of their money. A corporation pays interest on its bonds to its bondholders.


Tax-advantaged personal retirement program that can be established by a self-employed individual.


All the claims against a corporation. Liabilities include accounts, wages and salaries payable; dividends declared payable; accrued taxes payable; and fixed or long-term liabilities, such as mortgage bonds, debentures and bank loans.


A mutual fund whose investments are in high-yield money market instruments such as federal securities, CDs and commercial paper. Its intent is to make such instruments, normally purchased in large denominations by institutions, available indirectly to individuals.


A bond secured by a mortgage on a property. The value of the property may or may not equal the value of the bonds issued against it.


A bond issued by a state or a political subdivision, such as county, city, town or village. The term also designates bonds issued by state agencies and authorities. In general, interest paid on municipal bonds is exempt from federal income taxes and state and local taxes within the state of issue. However, interest may be subject to the alternative minimum tax AMT.


The composite index covering price movements of all common stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange. It is based on the close of the market December 31, 1965, as 50 and is weighted according to the number of shares listed for each issue. The index is computed continuously and printed on the ticker tape. Point changes in the index are converted to dollars and cents so as to provide a meaningful measure of changes in the average price of listed stocks. The composite index is supplemented by separate indexes for four industry groups: industrial, transportation, utility and finance.


This term may refer to transactions over-the-counter in unlisted securities or to transactions of listed shares that are not executed on a national securities exchange.


The price at which a person is ready to sell. Opposed to bid, the price at which one is ready to buy.


Holdings of securities by an individual or institution. A portfolio may contain bonds, preferred stocks, common stocks and other securities.


A class of stock with a claim on the company’s earnings before payment may be made on the common stock and usually entitled to priority over common stock if the company liquidates. Usually entitled to dividends at a specified rate – when declared by the board of directors and before payment of a dividend on the common stock – depending upon the terms of the issue


The lowest interest rate charged by commercial banks to their most credit-worthy customers; other interest rates, such as personal, automobile, commercial and financing loans are often pegged to the prime.


The person for whom a broker executes an order, or dealers buying or selling for their own accounts. The term “principal” may also refer to a person’s capital or to the face amount of a bond.


An organization similar to an investment company in some respects but concentrating its holdings in real estate investments. The yield is generally liberal since REITs are required to distribute as much as 90% of their income.


An independent organization established by the New York and American Stock Exchanges as a jointly owned subsidiary to provide automation, data processing, clearing and communications services.


Provides funds for use, if necessary, to protect customers’ cash and securities that may be on deposit with a SIPC member firm in the event the firm fails and is liquidated under the provisions of the SIPC Act. SIPC is not a government agency. It is a non-profit membership corporation created, however, by an act of Congress.

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